Saturday, December 22, 2012


Do you ever think of people who aren't anymore present in your life? It could be any reason, it might be a fight, a missunderstanding, death..
Eventhough people are said to be different, I really doubt it. I mean, we all do feel the same things. It's just that we do it in different ways.
Distance between two people is the biggest one that exists in the world. It can't be measured in kilometres or hours. Distance between two people is measured in pride. And this is something that might go into infinity. I never though that this distance could be travelled easily, but after this night I understood that the biggest distance is not an obstacle if you make a choice to overcome it. Pride should never make you suffer. I had a very dear friend and after some missunderstandings we chose not to speak to each other for a while. Days, weeks and yars passed, but we never talked to each other again..until tonight.
It was not the years that made us apart, it was our choice. And I made a new decision tonight. I took my cell phone and called. Called until it was answered by the other side. Amazingly, it turned out to be one of the best choices, made by both of us. It was not the years I counted, it was just one call. A call enough to change the fact that an old friend of mine was not a lost friend anymore, we were back. Right at the same point, as we used to be.
It is funny how people sometimes choose to travel all these distances, in order to come to the same point again. Isn't it miserable to find out that your displacement is equal to zero?
People who love you, will fight for you. If it is worth it, you will fight back, eventually. But no matter what, you should be aware of the fact that these persons one day might go away, far enough that the only way to talk to them is with a prayer to God. People matter. Feelings matter.
The question is, will you let the people go away that far from you, that in one point you wont be able to reach them, or are you going to get them back in the very begining of the end.
It is not the pride that should be bigger than love, because love is a superior feeling, stronger than any other feeling in the whole world. But it is a choice as well, not an easy one though.
If all people are the same, and if all of us are going to the same destination, what is the point of traveling the whole distance?
If  you care about someone, let them know, you might have not another chance to tell them. It is a choice. Not an obstacle.

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